WONG Wai-kwan Ahfa 黃慧君 花姐
TV Show Producer/Director/Idol Group Manager
Ahfa WONG Wai-kwan (also known as 花姐) is a renowned producer of one of the leading television broadcast companies in Hong Kong, ViuTV. Since 2018 Ahfa has also made her name known in Hong Kong as the manager of two chart-topping music groups: Mirror and Error. Starting her career in the television industry all the way back in 1992, Ahfa worked her way up from a production assistant, to a music-video, concert and television producer. Ahfa has become a household name since 2018, thanks to “Good Night Show King Maker” (全民造星), one of the most sensational reality shows she produced. Ahfa, with four seasons of this well-known talent show under her belt, has been passionate for providing the new generations with a platform to showcase their various capabilities and injecting new blood into the local entertainment industry. What also helped put this producer on the map is Ahfa’s commitment to creating content that would revolutionise the traditional definition of what “entertainment” means to audiences. In an industry still dominated by men, Ahfa’s persistence and creativity are the key to her success, and also to making herself a role model to inspire us to realise the endless possibilities for women around the world.
花姐在1992年入行電視界。在她的工作生涯中,她曾擔任助理編導、音樂短片監製、演唱會監製和電視監製。在2018年,花姐作為節目監製,製作了一個引起全城熱話的選秀節目《Good Night Show 全民造星》,因而令「花姐」這個名字變得家傳戶曉。《全民造星》系列到現在為止一共有四季,節目為新一代年輕人提供平台,讓他們有機會在舞台上展示自己的實力,同時為本地娛樂圈注入更多新血。花姐的製作運用新穎和創新方式,為觀眾帶來娛樂的同時,亦重新定義娛樂,從而令她和她的節目脱穎而出。在電視業中,大眾一般認為是男性居多,花姐憑着她的堅持和創意力,令她邁向成功,同時提醒着大眾不應被性別規限自己的實力。